상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

놀랍고 참신한 아이디어가 있는 홈 인테리어

카테고리 없음

by 파쵸 2014. 2. 12. 07:55


1. A ping pong table door

1Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

2. A steampunk kitty transit system

2Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

All aboard!

3Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

3. This lamp that turns any room into a mysterious forest 

4Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

4. A hammock for a bed (literally) 

5Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

5. Can you say staircase slide? 

6Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

6. The bookcase that’s also a staircase – brilliant.

8Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

7. The staircase that’s ALSO storage

9Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

8. An indoor herb garden for your kitchen 

10Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

9. A wine cellar for your kitchen floor

11Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

Too cool. 

12Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

10. This backyard beach fire pit

13Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

11. An outdoor movie theater 

14Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

12. This indoor treehouse for your kids 

15Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

13. A hammock and stairwell combo 

16Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

17Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

14. A stained glass door 

18Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

15. This wicked indoor skate park 

19Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)


20Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

16. A wade-in pool for the lazy.. or awesome 

21Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

17. A hybrid dining room table… 

22Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

And POOL table. 

23Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

18. An indoor/outdoor pool for days when you don’t want to sunbathe.

24Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

19. An awesome fire place that doubles as a swanky table 

25Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

20. This fire pit and coffee table combination (definitely not kid friendly) 

26Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

21. An aquarium headboard (for any lades men out there) 

27Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

22. Bring in the beach with this desk sandbox 

28Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

23. A safe outdoor catwalk that’ll allow your kitties to roam. And make your house look awesome. 

29Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

24. This indoor kiddie slide for the child in all of us

30Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

25. A mobile office you could pretty much take anywhere

31Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

26. Balcony pools that are both luxurious and terrifying

32Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

27. A swing set table for the coolest dinner parties ever 

33Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

28. Portable ping pong for your kitchen (because who wants to go somewhere else to play table tennis?) 

34Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

29. A bathroom floor above an abyss (okay, you might need to have access to an abandoned mine or elevator shaft for this) 

35Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

30. These house instruments that make music when it rains

36Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

31. This see-through bath tub for all of your bubble bath needs

37Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

32. A pirate ship bedroom. 

38Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

Just because. 

39Awesome Things for Your Home (40 pics)

33. An indoor ice cave that’ll stun your guests
