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우리가 평소 몰랐던 치약의 다양한 쓰임새

카테고리 없음

by 파쵸 2014. 7. 3. 08:32



Somebody mentions toothpaste and you immediately picture a person brushing teeth. Truth is your toothpaste is not just a means of whitening teeth. It is time for you to put yours to better use with our list of benefits that your toothpaste provides.

Mobile Display Wipe 10 Uses For Toothpaste You Didnt Know Before

Mobile Display Wipe

It is a well-known fact that smartphones that don’t have a protective cover on are prone to scratches. Your toothpaste can provide a fix by cleaning the display to make it look squeaky clean. Gently wipe the display with cotton cloth bearing some toothpaste. Keep another piece of cloth next to you so that you can use that to wipe it clean another time.

Sink Cleaner 10 Uses For Toothpaste You Didnt Know Before

Sink Cleaner

Don’t we all accidentally drop small amounts of toothpaste in our sinks while brushing? Maybe not often, but it happens. Here’s a secret: let those globs of toothpaste dry out and use a soft piece of cloth bearing toothpaste to rub across the sink. Not only will this leave a shine in your sink but it will remove all odors that may have been left in the first place.

Chrome Shiner 10 Uses For Toothpaste You Didnt Know Before

Chrome Shiner

I hope I speak for most people when I say the little smudges and water spots on the chrome faucets are annoying to look at. Guess what, your toothpaste will come to the rescue. Use only small traces of it on a soft piece of cloth and gently rub it on the faucets before rinsing it. Before you begin to get curious, yes this trick can be used for any chrome material. Just don’t try it too often as this can harm the finish.

Silver Polish 10 Uses For Toothpaste You Didnt Know Before

Silver Polish

If you are so particular about keeping your faucets clean, you must be careful not to let your utensils lose their polish, right? Be it spoons or forks or any other ornaments, your toothpaste can bring their shine back. Simply use it on a soft piece of cloth and polish the silver. There is a tad bit more detail to cleaning crevices: polish them using a soft toothbrush before wiping them with a dry, clean piece of cloth.

Goggle Defogging Tool 10 Uses For Toothpaste You Didnt Know Before

Goggle Defogging Tool

Why spend those bucks on an expensive antifog coating when you can make your goggles fog-proof with the help of your toothpaste? Gently rub small traces of toothpaste on the goggle insides in circular motion. This will prevent scratches and smudges.

Iron Wipe 10 Uses For Toothpaste You Didnt Know Before

Iron Wipe

The soleplate on an iron can start to look awful with the passage of time. However, your toothpaste can revive its good looks. When the iron is unplugged, wipe the soleplate with a piece of cloth bearing toothpaste before wiping it clean with another dry cloth.

DVD Scratch Filter 10 Uses For Toothpaste You Didnt Know Before

DVD Scratch Filter

When you bring home a DVD, scratches are the inevitable but your toothpaste can make them go away. Take a microfiber cloth bearing toothpaste and gently rub it on the disc from the inside outward. Make sure you use small amount of toothpaste or you will leave more scratches.

Shoe Shiner 10 Uses For Toothpaste You Didnt Know Before

Shoe Shiner

Light colored shoes are prone to scuff marks. Your toothpaste is a great way to get rid of them whether you apply them to dress shoes or joggers. Just scrub these marks with your toothpaste and you are good to go.

Skin Freshner 10 Uses For Toothpaste You Didnt Know Before

Skin Freshener

Stinky foods leave odor in your skin that soap won’t remove. Your toothpaste can work wonders in this regard. Simply rub your hands with some toothpaste followed by lotion of your choice.

Stain Combatant 10 Uses For Toothpaste You Didnt Know Before

Stain Combatant

Your toothpaste is capable of removing the toughest of stains. Simply use some of it directly on the stain while vigorously rubbing it. Leave it in the washer after that.

Read more: http://www.gizmocrazed.com/2014/06/10-uses-for-toothpaste/#ixzz36MCKP1xj
