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15+ Sea Slugs That Prove Aliens Already Live On Planet Earth

카테고리 없음

by 파쵸 2015. 8. 26. 07:50



Seeing how much you liked our "Sea Bunny" and "Sea Sheep" post, we decided to dive deeper to see what else is hidden beneath the sea. We were pleasantly surprised to find that the ocean is full cute slugs!

Most of these “slugs” are actually snails that have lost their shells and gained new characteristics through evolution. For example, sacoglossans are sometimes called “solar-powered sea slugs” because they use chloroplasts from the algae they eat in their own tissue.

Vote for your favorite, or if you happen to be a deep-sea diver, post  your own pictures below!

#2 Blue Angel (Glaucus Atlanticus)

Blue Angel (Glaucus Atlanticus)Blue Angel (Glaucus Atlanticus)

source report

Halfey Halphstein 7 hours ago

Also known as "sea swallow".

#8 Leaf Slug (Elysia Chlorotica)

Leaf Slug (Elysia Chlorotica)

source report

Halfey Halphstein 7 hours ago

This sea slug is capable of producing its own food from photosynthesis. The green pigment inside its body is really chlorophyll, the same pigment found in green plants used to absorb the light energy for photosynthesis. However this sea slug did not make the chlorophyll itself, instead it was obtained from the algae they consumed at earlier stage of their life.

