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Luminair Tree Tent

카테고리 없음

by 파쵸 2014. 5. 30. 07:45



The Luminair Tree Tent is an awesome suspended spherical tent large enough to accommodate two adults, but a bit too large to carry around to go camping. This semi-permanent structure features a hybrid aluminum and steam-bent ash frame covered with a 100% waterproof cotton canvas skin, the whole made using sustainable/recycled materials. Price tag: £6,500 ($11,000). We like! - 

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Luminair 나무 텐트 9 500x330 Luminair 나무 텐트

Luminair 나무 텐트 8 500x330 Luminair 나무 텐트

Luminair 나무 텐트 7 500x330 Luminair 나무 텐트

Luminair 나무 텐트 4 500x330 Luminair 나무 텐트

Luminair 나무 텐트 6 500x330 Luminair 나무 텐트

Luminair 나무 텐트 5 500x330 Luminair 나무 텐트

- See more at: .zillamag.com
